July 27, 2010
WOOF: Adult Male Homosexual, dedicated to helping other Woofs worldwide, while building friendships, loving and sexual relationships with one another. No one over 21 may have sexual relationships with anyone under twenty one. The "Young, Dumb and Full of Come" crowd are not invited. There will be no "Sugar-Daddying" (on either end of that)...all WOOFS are equal, we do not believe in race, we have our own individual religious beliefs (or not), and seek to nurture EACH OTHER, and establish INDEPENDENCE for each other. Each WOOF is to be their own man, thus allowing us to be stronger for each other. We seek to be strong warriors, but only in matters directly involving Woofs or children, and believe that the fewer casualties among us, the better. THERE WILL BE NO SACRIFICES OF ANY KIND. WE ARE EACH OTHER'S FAMILIES. NO WOMEN (ESPECIALLY LESBIANS), TRANS-SEXUALS OR DRAG QUEENS ARE ALLOWED. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE BEEN MURDERING AND EATING US SINCE HISTORY BEGAN, THUS WE MUST REMAIN A VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION.
DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE, ESPECIALLY WOMEN, LESBIANS, TRANNIES and DRAG QUEENS WHEN IT COMES TO MATTERS OF WOOF-DOM. They want your sperm, to eat and/or abuse your children, and eventually to kill and eat.
Snow: Dead Woof
Snowplough: Woofkiller
Avalanche, Landslide=A Lot of Dead Woofs
Also: Trees, Leaves, Birds, Blues, Angels, Cuckoos, Dogs, Dawgs (I think Bears, Wolves, Otters and so on are cannibals).
Snowflake baby: Child of a murdered woof.
TIME: Cannibal Cult, lead by Leonard Cohen. "Let No Man Steal Your Thyme," "A Good Time Was Had By All," "Let the Good Times Roll," "Do You Know What Time It Is?," Time Is Of the Essence," 'Time Is On My Side," etc.
Do You Know What Time It Is?: Cannibal Cult
NOTHING, NOBODY: Pedophile, Pedocannibal Cult. Slogans: Nobody Loves a Hero, Nobody Knows Nothin', Nobody Is Their Own Man, Nobody Loves You When You're Down and Out, ROSES IN TEETH, "Keeping Them Honest," "The Honest World," "Blind," "Love Is Blind," etc.
House of Cards: A hierarchy in the Time/Nothing Cults, same as Tarot Cards, etc.
Gay, Pride, ACT-UP, Silence=Death, "Coming Out," "Outing," Queer Nations, etc.=All Hardcore ruses to have Woofs be identified so as to murder and eat them. Also "Bugchasers," young Woofs convinced that to be a good Woof it is necessary to have AIDS.
Sun, Sunrise, Sunshine, Ladybug, Butterfly, Gypsies, Roses, Lilies, Flowers, Female fairies, Mountains, Parsley Sage Rosemary & Thyme, Mermaid, Crows (Woofeaters), Dykes, Wimmen, Womyn: Abused and abusing Woofkilling women.
Lesbian Separatist: Lesbian who only has contact with other Lesbians. Major murderer of Woofs.
The Hardcore Militia: a coalition of various Woofkilling, AIDS-spreading cults and hate groups. Key-jangling, nose-scratching, coughing, whistling and other sound-signals are forms of brainwashing, re-traumatizing their victims every time they hear these sounds. How to negate brainwashing: making an L-shape with thumb and forefinger and place thumb at center of forehead with forefinger pointing straight up. It helps if a Woof does it to another Woof by surprise. Try it at the supermarket, for instance. Slogans and symbols of Hardcore Militia: If You Feed a Dog It Will Follow You Anywhere, Lanterns, Glass Eyes, Fish (Woofs), Bicycles (Woofs), Horses (Woofkillers), Brother's Keeper, Be the Gatekeeper of Your Own Soul, A Little Birdy Told Me, You Can Pick Your Friends You Can Pick Your Nose But You Can't Pick Your Friends' Noses, Smokers (Woofs), You Don't Look Like a Smoker, The Birds Have Come Home to Roost, Diamonds ("Fixed" Woofs), You Are Not Alone, You Can't Always Get What You Want, Big Brother, Dancing Bears, Rainbows, It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature,
If someone especially a woman asks you "Do you want to know a secret," say "Fuck NO." Anyone who seeks you out and wants to be your "friend," has some sort of agenda. Trust only Woofs, no matter what name they call you: "Faggots, Fairies, Limp-Wristed (Ducks), Sitting Duck, Lame Duck, All Ducks in a Row, etc.
Gay Pride: a coalition of Lesbians, cannibals, pedophiles, zoophiles (bestiality), excrement (scat) freaks, etc. ANYONE but Woofs. The Lesbians (especially Lesbian Separatists, Trannies, Drag Queens, Women's Music Movement and Lilith Fair Baby Eating Cult spread AIDS intentionally. AIDS was developed from a mild, common cold like virus known as the Green Monkey that Woof sailors used to get, and was spread primarily through the ruse of getting "tested" for HIV. There are four "monkeys" who have the original virus which is a cure for AIDS.)
Gentle: Cannibal
Pro-Choice: Foetus & Woof Meat
Pro-Life: Baptized Baby and Baptized Woof Meat
Rain: Woman eating
The Process: A tripartite Baby Raping, Assassination, AIDS-Spreading Cult, including the Process Therapy cult. Slogans: Writing is a Process, It's all a Process, etc. Symbols: mirrors, magnifying glasses, hairbrushes
Creativity Movement: A child-abuse, AIDS-spreading cult, comprised of four cults, dedicated to Satan, Lucifer, God and Jesus (I think).
Disciples of Christ (D.O.C.):Woofkilling cannibal cult
Children of God: Pedophile, Pedocannibal cult
Other Woofkilling cults: Scientology, Catholicism, Opus Dei, Divas, AWOL, AA, World Church of the Creator, Mother of God, AWOL, Wicca, Al-Queda, Taliban, Baden Terrorist Group, Black Panthers, Tigers (Pedocannibals), NAACP, Rick Ross Cult Page, Amway, Exodus Movement, Mormonism, PETA, Elf, Skinheads, Skinheads for Peace, KKK, Neo-Nazism, Zionism, Anti-Defamation League, Catholic League, Christian Science, Paganism, Cult of Diana, Deadheads, Phishheads, Parrotheads, etc.
Gateway Drugs: Used to cull in new "recruits". "Maui Wowie," "Poppers,"
Hardcore Drugs: Used to kill, brainwash or drive crazy Woofs: Acid ("Goonybirds," "Yellow Sunshine," etc. ) "Angel"-Dust, PCP, GHB, etc.
Cancer, Radiation, Goiters, Malaria: Drink a bottle of iodine mixed into Quinine tonic water over the course of a week. Repeat if necessary. Replace all screws in eyeglasses with store-bought replacements.
Alzheimer's: Do NOT use anything with aluminum in it: foil, cans, pots and pans, anti-perspirant, etc. (Save the last for interviews, etc.)
AIDS: Green Monkey Virus.
Multiple Sclerosis, Rosacia and Parkinson's may be caused by consumption of human flesh. Definitely Rosacia.
Schizophrenia, Schizo-affective Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Alcoholism, etc: A combination of brainwashing and post-traumatic stress disorder. Attention Deficit Disorder, Transgenderism, Multiple Personality Disorder, and so on, is completely fabricated. Real conditions: Borderline Personality Disorder, Sociopathy.
"Family" medicine is only a means to control family members who displease the rest of the "nuclear" family, mostly Woofs. Rehabs, hospitalizations, Partial Hospitalization, Crisis Lines, etc. are all fraud.
There has been cloning of human beings for decades. Absorb the above stuff first.
c/o David James Callan
16 Eldridge Street, Apt. 14H
Manchester, CT 06040
Male homosexuals in abusive, dangerous or life threatening situations please contact: WOOF c/o David James Callan 16 Eldridge Street, Apt. 14H] Manchester, CT 06040 860-647-6911 doodlebuggery1@gmail.com NEW EMAIL: Woooooof1@gmail.com
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Hardcore Militia,
Hate Groups,
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